Adoration of the Magi

This work, Adoration of the Magi is also known as Quarate predella. It was painted between 1435 and 1440 on panel and measures 20.5cm by 82cm. This painting of the Adoration of the Magi is a section from a larger…
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This work, Adoration of the Magi is also known as Quarate predella. It was painted between 1435 and 1440 on panel and measures 20.5cm by 82cm. This painting of the Adoration of the Magi is a section from a larger…
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On The Famous Artists, I primarily share paintings. Many painters were accomplished in other art forms or designed pieces for other artisans to construct. Whether this entire stained glass piece is the work of the Italian artist Paolo Uccello or…
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This painting is actually identified with the title Adoration of the Child with Saint Jerome, Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Eustache. Let me tell you a little bit more about the artist as well as this work. This famous Nativity…
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This is another of the beautiful frescoes from the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. The paintings tell the life story of Christ and this panel (#17) includes a scene from his birth. The frescoes were completed around 1305 by the Italian…
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Adoration of the Magi is one of the beautiful frescoes by the Italian artist Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) in the Cappella Scrovegni a Padova (the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua). Mary, Joseph and at least one angel present the infant Jesus…
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English artist Arthur Hughes (1832-1915) reminds us all of how young Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus. Hughes’ version of The Nativity focuses on an extremely young woman learning how to care for her newborn. With the direct…
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The Birth of Jesus is one of the beautiful 13th Century mosaics crafted by the Italian artist Pietro Cavallini (1259-1330). The mosaic is installed in Basilica of Our Lady in Trastevere in Rome, Italy. It is one of several mosaics…
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…by the famous artist Bernardo Daddi Wonderful depiction of the Nativity from the talented Italian Renaissance painter Bernardo Daddi (d. 1348). While the gilding does overwhelm the oil on wood painting, this painting shows a number of heavenly hosts playing…
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Oil on wood painting depicting the Nativity by the Italian Renaissance artist Bernardo Daddi (d. 1348). Daddi’s works often depict Biblical events and this one is no exception. The Nativity depicts the Virgin Mary placing newborn Jesus in the manger…
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